Dellvale, a village in Leota Township, is on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R., and eight miles southwest of Norton. It has a money order post office with two rural routes, a telegraph and express office and a grain elevator; according to the last census it had a population of 31. Mr. Maxwell runs the general store.
- Early Births
- Marriages
- Deaths & Obituaries
- Cemeteries
- Towns & Communities
- Post Offices
- History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas
- Kansas Agricultural Census Transcriptions
- Early Doctors of Norton County
- Norton County News, Historical Number 1870-1916
- 1917 Standard Atlas-Norton County, KS
- Towns of Norton County, KS
- State Tuberculosis Sanatorium
- Norton County Newspapers
- Maps
- Norton County Soldiers
- History of Norton County- Western Resources Magezine
- Rural Schools of Norton County
- Courthouse History
- Disasters
- Bibliography of Norton County Resources
- Early Births
- Marriages
- Deaths & Obituaries
- Cemeteries
- Towns & Communities
- Post Offices
- History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas
- Kansas Agricultural Census Transcriptions
- Early Doctors of Norton County
- Norton County News, Historical Number 1870-1916
- 1917 Standard Atlas-Norton County, KS
- Towns of Norton County, KS
- State Tuberculosis Sanatorium
- Norton County Newspapers
- Maps
- Norton County Soldiers
- History of Norton County- Western Resources Magezine
- Rural Schools of Norton County
- Courthouse History
- Disasters
- Bibliography of Norton County Resources